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events on sat 15 jun


Align and Flow Yoga

Led by Deborah Le Vene-Page

Align and Flow Yoga is influenced by the biomechanics and heart orientated philosophy of the Anusara Hatha style of yoga. With a specific alignment focus within the flow of postures the practice will tone and strengthen the body, improve posture and create more freedom in the body and mind resulting in a calm and relaxed state of being.

Each week there will be a different theme weaving its’ way through the session, but a typical class starts with breathing techniques to centre and ground, poses to warm up and then progresses to a fun and challenging mix of vinyasa and alignment yoga.

This class is designed to cultivate focus, stamina, strength, and flexibility. Leaving time at the end for a well-deserved relaxation.

Come prepared for an energising class that will also leave you feeling relaxed.

Age guidance: 18+ years

Sat 8 Mar - 26 Apr (8 weeks)

£12.50 per session | £73.50 per 7 week course | £84 per 8 week course

Please note that the sessions below will be covered by the following tutors:
Sat 5 and 12 Apr - Sarah Norman
Sat 19 Apr - Michelle Carvill

Suitable for all levels of experience. Please bring a yoga mat with you.


Zumba (Saturdays)

Led by Annet Bowler

Zumba with Annet is a fun, easy to follow, dance based class. Get fit and exercise in disguise to uplifting Latin rhythms!

This 60 minute class feels more than a party that exercise class. It suits all levels of ability and beginners are very welcome.

Zumba is a total workout, combining all elements of fitness – cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility.

It can help make you feel happy, healthy, strong, amazing, unstoppable and confident!

Sat 11 Jan - 26 Apr (excl 1 Mar)

Saturday 8 March
Please note this session will be led by Antoinette Mc Shane.

Saturday 22 March
Saturday 29 March
Saturday 5 April
Please note these sessions will be led by Carla Leech.

11.30am – 12.30pm
£7 per class

Age guidance: 18+ years.


Exhibition by BCA.

Visible is the theme of a group exhibition by students studying the UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Practice: Art, Design & Communication at Berkshire College of Agriculture.

The concept of visible has been explored through a variety of different specialist technical skills, materials and processes to present imaginative, personal and informed outcomes. Disciplines include textiles, animation, illustration, painting and printmaking. The artworks are vibrant, engaging and thought-provoking.

Norden Farm Gallery

Tues 11 Jun - Sat 22 Jun

5pm - 10.30pm

Entry is Free

  •  17:00 -22:30 FREE


Coldplace - The World's Leading Tribute to Coldplay is a stunning live concert performance, celebrating the music of one of the most successful bands of all time.

The only tribute to have worked for Coldplay, this outstanding band leads you through all your favourite Coldplay hits from the last 20+ years including Yellow, Paradise and A Sky Full of Stars, right through to Higher Power and My Universe from their latest album, Music of the Spheres.

This world class show faithfully recreates the magic of Coldplay's record breaking live tours - featuring lasers, confetti, video screen and the Xyloband LED wristbands that have become synonymous with Coldplay concerts, and truly make the audience part of the show.

'Coldplace are pure quality. Thanks for flying the Coldplay flag' Phil Harvey (Coldplay creative director)

Courtyard Theatre

Coldplace's website

X Coldplace
Insta coldplacecoldplaytribute
Fb Coldplace - Coldplay tribute band

opening times on Sat 15 Jun

Box Office
13:30 - 15:00
15:30 - 20:00
Cafe Bar
09:45 - 23:00
Food Served
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 19:45
17:00 - 22:00
